
Showing posts from May, 2009

Global Traveler

Let's Speak Balinese

Bali is one of Indonesian archipelago. Indonesia is an amazing country, 17,000 islands, 180 ethnic groups and many languages. Most people on Bali speak Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) but all the Balinese people also speak Bahasa Bali ( Balinese). These language are of course related but are different enough. Here are some words in Bahasa (language) Bali: Good - becik Bad - corah Friend - switra Husband - rabi Wife - istri Child - putra (boy), putri (girl) How are you? - kenken kabare What is that? - Napi punika? Here’s 1 to 10 1 - siki 2- kalih 3 - tiga 4 - pat 5 - lima 6 - enem 7 - pitu 8 - kutus 9 - sia 10 - dasa - Thank you so much = Matur suksma - I’m Fine = Tiang becik-becik kemanten. - How are you? = Apa kabar? = Punapi gatrane? or Kenken kabare? - Where is this? = Napi wastan gumine niki? - What is your name? = Sira pesengan ragane? - Please don't said like that = Sampunang ngeraos kenten! - Excuse Me, Can't I past here? = Dados ti...